日時 : 毎月1回 月曜日 10:00~11:30 *要予約 お申し込みはこちら
場所 : NY 育英学園フレンズアカデミー
対象 : 就園前のお子さん(1歳程度~3歳)とその保護者の方
参加費 : 1家族 $40(兄弟姉妹1名につき+$10)
Let’s enjoy singing, dancing, crafts, storytelling, and more in Japanese! We have activities that both children and parents can enjoy together. Children aged one and older are welcome!
Date: Once a month on Monday at 10:00〜11:30am *please contact for the schedule
Fee: $40 (plus $10 for sibling)
Friends Academy of JCS
310 West 103rd Street, New York, NY 10025
(Tel) 212-935-8535
(E-mail) friendsacademy@nyikuei.org